
Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

C'est le tag numéro trois

Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
C'est le tag numéro deux
Kategorie: Home-de_DE
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Erste news
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Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Kategorie: Home-en_US
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

This is the first new

Kategorie: General
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
The news module was installed. Exciting. This news article is not using the Summary field and therefore there is no link to read more. But you can click on the news heading to read only this article.

Menu Manager

The Menu Manager is a module that reads your page hierarchy and builds a navigation using a 'Menu Manager Template'. By default a few sample menu manager templates are included with your default installation. For most users these are enough, as a menu basically is just an unordered list that is styled with CSS.

The Menu Manager module also accepts various optional attributes (parameters) in the {menu} tag to allow you to customize its behavior. You can see the list and explanation of these parameters in the Menu Manager Help which can be found on the right side of the screen when you click on "Layout » Menu Manager" in the administration console.

Customizing templates in the Menu Manager is as simple as clicking the 'Import Template to Database' button, which will then allow you to create a template with a new name, and modify the layout of the template. You can use your new navigation template by specifying the new name in the call to {menu} in your page template. i.e: {menu template='mynewtemplate'}.

Menu Manager in the CMSMS Admin Panel

Read more about how to do this in the Help for the Menu Manager in the CMSMS Admin Panel. It can be found in the Layout menu.