
Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

C'est le tag numéro trois

Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
C'est le tag numéro deux
Kategorie: Home-de_DE
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Erste news
Kategorie: Home-fr_FR
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Kategorie: Home-en_US
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

This is the first new

Kategorie: General
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
The news module was installed. Exciting. This news article is not using the Summary field and therefore there is no link to read more. But you can click on the news heading to read only this article.

CSSMenu top + 2 columns

This is a drop-down menu that is using only CSS (although some Javascript is required for Internet Explorer 6, note: IE6 will not let you use 2 of these menu types in a template at the same time as the second one will fail to open). It can be either vertical or horizontal.

The code we have inserted in the template that this page is using is simply {menu template='cssmenu.tpl'}. You style the menu in the stylesheet Navigation: CSSMenu - Horizontal or Navigation: CSSMenu - Vertical for the vertical CSSMenu.

But to be on the safe side, copy this style sheet and attach your new style sheet to the template instead (and make your changes in your new style sheet). Then you can always revert to the default style sheet if something goes wrong.