
Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

C'est le tag numéro trois

Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
C'est le tag numéro deux
Kategorie: Home-de_DE
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Erste news
Kategorie: Home-fr_FR
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Kategorie: Home-en_US
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

This is the first new

Kategorie: General
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
The news module was installed. Exciting. This news article is not using the Summary field and therefore there is no link to read more. But you can click on the news heading to read only this article.

Minimal template

This is an example of the very minimal that needs to be in a CMSMS template. No stylesheet is attached to the template, which is why it doesn't look very nice...

However, to make it slightly more appealing, some inline styling was used, for floating the content to the right of the menu.

The menu in this page template is using the Minmal Navigation template for Menu Manager. No accessibility stuff is in there, so it's recommended that the Simple Navigation menu template is rather used.