How CMSMS Works


Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

C'est le tag numéro trois

Kategorie: education
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
C'est le tag numéro deux
Kategorie: Home-de_DE
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Erste news
Kategorie: Home-fr_FR
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
Kategorie: Home-en_US
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb

This is the first new

Kategorie: General
Erstellt von: cyberlotweb
The news module was installed. Exciting. This news article is not using the Summary field and therefore there is no link to read more. But you can click on the news heading to read only this article.

Pages and navigation

Pages determine the structure of your web-site as seen in the admin Content » Pages page. Think of a web-site as a set of pages. These pages are accessed through a menu. You can also link to a page from within another page.


The navigation, or the menu, is a set of links that help the user to navigate through the pages on your web site. These links are automatically created by CMS Made Simple from the page structure. This hierarchy is what drives the menu you see on the left of this page.

Pages can be in several levels, like a tree of generations. The top level in the menu are the parent pages. Each parent page can have children pages, which in turn can be parents to other children.

The page template determines where on a page the navigation is placed.

You can create any kind of navigation you can dream of by customizing a menu template for Menu Manager. However, the default templates should work for most situations as the menu basically is just an unordered list that you style to your liking with CSS. The web is full of good articles about styling a list of links, one of the best is listutorial at maxdesign

Pages in the CMSMS Admin Panel

You add pages, as well as other content (see next chapter), in the CMSMS Admin Panel from the Content »


test test (6 images)
C'est la galerie test
retest retest (0 images)
No image


Download v1.3
By Chris Coyier, based upon lots of smart stuff by Remy Sharp,
significantly improved by Douglas Neiner


  • tomato sandwich

    Queenie's Killer Tomato Bagel Sandwich


    • 1 bagel, split and toasted
    • 2 tablespoons cream cheese
    • 1 roma (plum) tomatoes, thinly sliced
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • 4 leaves fresh basil
  • Life is conversational. Web design should be the same way. On the web, you’re talking to someone you’ve probably never met – so it’s important to be clear and precise. Thus, well structured navigation and content organization goes hand in hand with having a good conversation.

    - Chikezie Ejiasi


  • Slides are HTML Content (can be anything)
  • Next Slide / Previous Slide Arrows
  • Navigation tabs are built and added dynamically (any number of slides)
  • Optional custom function for formatting navigation text
  • Auto-playing (optional feature, can start playing or stopped)
  • Each slide has a hashtag (can link directly to specific slides)
  • Infinite/Continuous sliding (always slides in the direction you are going, even at "last" slide)
  • Multiple sliders allowable per-page (hashtags only work on first)
  • Pauses autoPlay on hover (option)
  • Link to specific slides from static text links (Slide 6)

Usage & Options (defaults)


Linking directly to slides



Version 1.3

  • Accessibility improvements by Matt Lawson
  • Some generic JavaScript/HTML/CSS code cleaning
  • Move to GitHub entirely

Version 1.2

  • Bug Fix: When autoPlay was set to false, any interaction with the control would cause a javascript error.

Version 1.1

  • Changed default easing to "swing" so didn't depend on any other plugins
  • Removed extra junk (other plugins used for design, etc)
  • Added Pause on Hover option
  • Added options for passing in HTML for the start and stop button
  • Added option to use custom function for formatting the titles of the navigation
  • Added public interface for linking directly to certain slides

Version 1.0

  • First version